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Today’s post is directed specifically at Kirkwood faculty and staff.

Today is the second half of our feedback to the Spring 2015 faculty survey, if you haven’t yet read it find the first half here. Again, the Library Services faculty and staff would truly like to thank everyone who took the time to respond to our survey. We were pleased to have 84 responses and plan on sending out another survey during fall semester. We encourage you to fill out our next survey as well.

People who included their e-mail address in their response have been contacted directly about questions and requests, but we wanted to give everyone a chance to find out what we’ve done.

Requests for Documentaries and Films

In response to requests for more documentary films, Library Services is purchasing the Kanopy Streaming Service. More information to follow on that this summer. In the meantime checkout what we shared when we trialed this system.

We are still looking for suggestions on individual topics of documentaries that would of help in your classes. If you are interested in us adding more documentaries, please e-mail us with specifics of what you are interested in.

It was requested that we get the American Film Institute’s Top 100 Films of All Time. We checked the list for the ones the library already owned and decided to buy the remaining titles so our DVD collection has all the top 50 available. In addition we had 20 of the titles between #51 – #100 either on DVD in the library faculty collection or on Kirkwood’s Video On Demand (VOD)  or both.  Any title from the list that the library physically owns we’ve put on VOD so those titles will be available both ways. That means we have 70 titles of the top 100 list available to be viewed in class and/or linked into through your class Angel or Talon site. Contact Scott Stiffler for more information. Look for an upcoming post with a list of those we’ve added.

Journal and Database Additions

One of the requests we received was to get New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM). We currently get the NEJM in paper at our Cedar Rapids location and keep the current issue plus the previous year. After pricing out the online version and consulting with the department the request came from, we decided that the paper version was sufficient at least at this time.

Another request was for the Journal of Pediatrics (JoP) online. We explored the options and compared prices and rather than purchase the JoP as a stand alone, Library Services has decided to purchase the Science Direct database, which includes the Journal of Pediatrics and 1000 additional titles. Access begins on July 1st 2015.

Finally, updated from our last feedback post, Communications Teacher is now available online.

Very Short Introduction

As we mentioned in part 1 of this feedback report, we’ve been adding titles from the A Very Short Introduction series from Oxford Press. Here’s a post about titles we’ve recently added and a little bit more information of what they are. Maybe they would be useful for an assignment in your class, too.


Overall we came away with a sense that we need to be  more aggressive in our communication with faculty, staff, and students. That’s going to be an on-going goal, but be sure to watch for our FAQ posts that we’ll be sharing through Tempo to keep you up to date on what’s going on in Library Services.

In the meantime, remember that if there is something we can do or add to our collection to help your students or you, please ask. We can’t promise to fulfill every request, but we will do our best.

Make sure you check back, things change in the library and collections are always growing and changing.

Again, thank you for responding to our survey and look for the next one in the fall.