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This week Banned Books Week marks 30 years of warning people of the dangers of letting OTHER people decide what YOU can read. Kirkwood Library Services will mark the occasion with a display. It will be up during Banned Books Week Sunday, September 30th through Saturday, October 6th, 2012 and remain up through the following week.

Interest in getting a Banned Books Week  pin to wear was about triple what it was last year and so we ran out, but if you’d like a bookmark that I think with a little creativity could be just as good, stop by the reference desk.

Read more about the 30th Anniversary on the American Library Association’s Banned Books Week Site:

More general information about Banned Books:

Our list of books we get asked the most about why they were banned:

While our display features books that have been banned both all over the country and all over the world, we are often asked if books are banned or attempted to be banned in Iowa. Sadly the answer is yes, read some examples:

And stop back to check out the blog as we have several more posts on book banning ready to go up later this week.